This is a story about lost romance 23
years ago and how baseball and the APBA game I love helped pull me
It's a story about how we may always be
chasing something to make us feel happy and more complete, when, in
fact, what we already have is probably enough.
Twenty-three years ago today on Oct. 21,
1991, I became a college dropout and fled the PhD program in English
I was enrolled in at Texas Tech University. I had chased after a girl who was accepted in her own
master's program at the Lubbock university. To stay with her, I
bluffed my way into the English department. I wrote an impacting
letter stating my case for admission and actually was awarded a
teaching assistantship. I moved into a dorm on the college campus,
lived with a 20-year-old energetic kid who always wanted to sponsor
church dances, did laundry in the basement of the dorm building,
endured West Texas sandstorms, took three classes that first semester
in advanced literature and English teaching methods, taught two other
English classes and dealt with homework, thesis writing and the
general panic associated with college.
Ah, love.
At first I didn't intend to go to
Texas. But the girl actually cried and said she couldn't make it
without me there and I fell for it. I was a sappy romantic.
It was a bluff. As soon as she got to
the campus and acclimated, I was no longer important. She began
making excuses for not seeing me. She had meetings to attend,
functions with other students to go to, study time of her own. I
ended up hanging out with the 20-year-old roommate and listened
constantly to his plans for hosting yet another dance. And wondering
why I was so stupid to chase romance for 750 miles only to have it
dump me. I mean, break up with me at home, for cryin' out loud, not
in some tumble-weed land where, just a few weeks prior to me moving
there, was the site of five tornadoes touching down at one time.
But I stayed there and I tried to mend
the relationship as I also worked on my own coursework and taught
other classes.
All the while, the Minnesota Twins were
marching toward winning the American League West division that
season. I caught a few games on the radio or the dorm lobby
television. The games helped. I grew up in Minnesota and have loved
the Twins for more than 48 years now. Four years earlier, when the
Twins won the Series in 1987, it was a magical time. It helped me
deal with the loss of my father, who died that spring after a lengthy
illness. The 1991 season again gave me a focus, a diversion from what
was going on in my own life.
I watched one game of the American
League playoffs against Toronto at the Lubbock airport, feeding
quarters into the coin-operated television set near the concourse
while we waited for the girl's parents to fly in to visit her. I also
watched some of the games at a golf course bar, drinking martinis
with the denizens there who were mostly Toronto fans.
I could see the relationship with the
girl was sliding down the pipe quickly, so I turned to my second
comfort. The APBA game. I called home and asked my mother to order
the 1990-91 basketball game and said I'd be home to get it soon. She
understood. I had played the basketball game since I was 16 and,
while most people didn't like the replay game because it was too
plodding, I loved it.
So, I focused on the game and the idea
of beginning a new season. While the girl was out with her new
boyfriend, I sat in my dorm room, preparing a season's replay,
writing out schedules and rosters in anticipation of getting the
game. I was feeling the anticipation that all APBA players —
regardless of age — feel when they know they are soon to receive a
new set of game cards to replay games with.
And Minnesota won the American League
pennant. I watched Game 7 of Atlanta and Pittsburgh on a small
television set my roommate had gotten that week and knew the Braves
would face the Twins in the Series.
I planned my departure of Lubbock
around the Series' schedule. I actually dropped out of college to
coincide with a travel day between Games 2 and 3 so not to miss any
games, and at about 5 a.m. Oct. 21, 1991, I backed out of the dorm
parking lot and headed north on I27 to Amarillo. Yes, as the song
once said, “Lubbock was in my rear view mirror.”
I made it to my mother's house that
evening and sitting on her kitchen table was the large box that
contained the APBA basketball game. I was home.
The next day, I drove to the town where
I would begin a new job, found an apartment to live and returned to
my mother's house in time to watch Game 4. On Saturday, Oct. 26,
1991, when Kirby Puckett hit his home run off Charlie Leibrandt in
the bottom of the 11th to win Game 6, I knew I would stay
at my mom's home the following day, rather than move to my new home,
to watch Game 7.
Of course the Twins won. I knew they
would. They had to in order to help me maintain the new focus and
deal with the loss of the girl in Lubbock.
I moved to my new job that Monday
morning, bringing clothes and some furniture. And the APBA basketball
game. I rolled the first game of the 1990-91 replay that first night
I was there and I played many games during my stay there.
Some may think it's a silly game. The
APBA gamers roll dice and match up results with numbers on player
cards to determine outcomes. I've graduated from the basketball game
now to baseball. I play the game nearly every day. The lure of it is
not just the sports aspect. I think it brings some semblance of
peace, a time when we were younger and things were simpler, back to
us. I don't get that feeling with any other game, so APBA is my
mainstay when things get tough.
On a postscript, the girl got married
in Texas the following spring; she called to tell me about it. After
a year or so of wedded bliss, the lovely couple divorced and went
their separate ways.
I still have that 1990-91 basketball